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Reacting scenes from Bones

Posted: Wed Aug 15, 2012 1:58 am
by freedom
Don't laugh at this...but when I was little used to come up with little stories were I was a mad genius kind of like Smegal, coming up with potions and what not. Whilst having an eye on my wild pet newt, frog and toad. Since I had no brothers or sisters I could explore my back yard looking at bugs other many kinds so that is why I'm no freaked out by them on the show.

Thought I would share :icon-ugeek:
The oddest creatures can be so beautiful, look at a woodlouse

Re: Reacting scenes from Bones

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2012 5:41 am
by MarinaDuister
I'm still scared for the first time we're going to disect something in class... I know watching Bones is waaay different from the real deal, but for some reason I feel like I'll be like 'mweh, not that dirty' and all the other girls will go like 'WAAAH YUCK GET THIS AWAY FROM ME!!'

Although I hope we won't have to kill anything. Yes, I am a meat eater because I like it, but I do feel bad about it sometimes.. OCTOBER 11 is my vegatarian day for sure ;) (or whatever way you spell it)

I don't like the tiny insects though.... I like butterflies and worms (they're slippery but kinda cool somehow) and the pretty ones BUT FLIES SHOULD LEAVE!! *buzzz* <--- i hate that LOL


Re: Reacting scenes from Bones

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 12:08 pm
by freedom
i refused to cut open an animal for disection in high school, i got an F but I felt i did the right thing, i love animals all great and small. (All for Animal Rights) i wouldn't even go to that creepy autopsy art/leave your body to science guy who tours.

i've two people that i know who do autopies as a living, my ex who specialises in the brain and eyes. the other in the whole body, is called when needed otherwise they're busy with a hugely successful science mag known around the world. even then i would let them use they're investigative skills on me. :eusa-naughty:
ewww! As if