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Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:42 am
by hanneDK
My first guestion - that does you justice.. :wink:
TJ, of all the characters you have played, which one have been the most challenge/defiant - and why? :think:

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Sun Feb 21, 2010 9:27 am
by TJ4ever
TJ, how do you prepare for a role?

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 5:59 pm
by SmackyKennedy
So I really enjoyed seeing TJ's list of songs and even checked a few out (really like Arcade Fire)...

What are some movies that you consider must-see? Thinking more of "obscure" titles or old movies that aren't hugely popular like "Avatar" etc...

Since I have 2 kids and can't get out much, I've been watching movies via Netflix at the rate of 2-4 a week and would love some more ideas!

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 6:41 pm
by jade.stormcloud
I'm always to lazy to read the last 10 pages to find out whether things have been asked already. For all I know, I've asked these already. :P


What are some of your favorite books?

Who decided what Halloween costumes you guys would each wear in "Mummy in the Maze" ?

Whose idea was it to put Hodgins & Wendell in nearly identical shirts in "Tough Man in the Tender Chicken" ? Was it meant to be symbolic in some way?

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 10:57 am
by Jude40
TJ, before I ask this gotta say I'm talking ballpark and nothing too personal.

I was watching 'The Girl with the Curl' for about the 20th time the other day and I was wondering are you more swings, picnics and trips to the ball game or red roses, fine wine and violins.

I'm defo a swings kinda girl especially as Ive found that copious amounts of wine and high heels very rarely mix well! If you reckon that this is too personal and dont want to answer hey que sera sera, just curious.

See ya kidder (just keeping you in practice with your scouse)

Jude x

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 2:01 pm
by jusbcuzz

Hey TJ, thanks for taking the time to answer our questions!
  • If you couldn't work, think about work, talk about work, by order of this question, for a week, what would you do?
  • What is the weirdest question you have been asked? Will you answer it for us? *grin*
  • If you could change one thing in the world, what would it be?
  • Who is one person you'd like to meet but haven't yet?
  • What food can you not live without? Why? Since I can't drink milk, I have to ask the other side of the question. What food could you be alright living without for the rest of your life? Why?
  • What question do you get sick of answering? Would you answer it for us? *grin* again.
  • During all your travels, what is the weirdest thing you've ever eaten and where?

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 2:20 pm
by ~*Ali*~
Hello TJ,
I'm enjoying your work on Bones, and after seeing Validation on The Tube I found this lovely dwelling. I was just wondering how your 'Moment Series' is going and if 'Shuffle' might be getting an Australian release?

Ali =o)

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 1:55 am
by ~*Ali*~
Hey I thought I'd add another question, it's a little left of centre.

Heya TJ :D

So if you could travel back in time to watch one major event in our history (world wide) what would it be. :think:

Ali :D
PS I'd pick Woodstock :dance:

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Fri May 07, 2010 7:01 pm
by jade.stormcloud
Since you said you'd like to see Jack's house, that prompted this question:

Since you are so much closer to Hodgins than we are, maybe have a better insight into his psyche... Name one thing that you think Jack might have in his house, but that might surprise the fans.

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 3:14 am
by ~*Ali*~
That a good question Jade :)

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Sat May 08, 2010 11:56 am
by Hodginsgirl
Hi TJ!! I don't think I've seen this question yet.
What is your biggest pet peeve? Jackie

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 10:01 am
by Sinkwriter72
I've got one for you, TJ!

It's in several parts. (Come on, would you expect anything less from me?)

I was watching "The Man With The Bone" last night, an episode I especially love for the way it highlights Hodgins' grand enthusiasm for his work, along with topics of interest like pirates. (ARRRG!) So, it got me wondering:

* How heavy was all that diving equipment to wear? Were you really diving? How did you do it; was it in some sort of tank? Have you personally ever gone diving before in a reef or other setting? Or did you have to learn some techniques for this episode?

* Booth, Hodgins and Zack were really excited about the subject matter of this particular case. Did you yourself have an enthusiasm for pirates when you were a kid? (Or the Three Musketeers, because as Hodgins says, "They were always piratey to me"? Hee.)

Okay, I'm done, I swear. :D

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Thu May 13, 2010 4:08 pm
by delphiekat
Okay, my turn :D

Dear TJ, when did you learn that Hodgins and Angela would get back
together?, and how did you react when you learned they were getting

Thank you very much!

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 12:17 pm
by bkinney71
So here's a random question that probably hasn't been asked. I asked it on Twitter but I'm thinking I have a better chance of getting a reply here.

When you were in high school did your school ever play Sam Houston High School from Arlington, TX? And did you attend any of the games? Specifically football. I'm asking because you graduated high school the same year as my sister and I know that Sam went to the play offs at least twice during those years but I can't remember if we played Plano or not. I went to every single one of the football games because my sister was on the drill team.

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 12:19 pm
by bkinney71
So here's another question for you. What do you think about someone who can say "May the Force be with you" in four different languages? Just curious. Those languages being Spanish, French, German and Gaelic, by the way.

Moge die Kraft mit ihnen sein.

Deep Question

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 11:42 pm
by ChristyTwilight
Set the Stage, You are the last person on earth. You are able to build one friend (whether it be someone specific or a combination) to help you with everything you need (whether that be emotional, physical, or even constructive).
What would be top 10 most important (personality, looks, attributes that person can do) qualities that you would want?

:doh: :pray:

Christy Twilight

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Wed Jul 14, 2010 9:31 pm
by marissa18
Hey TJ,
I'm a huge fan, and I understand that you love to travel (who doesn't) and that one of the main places you go to is NYC (my favorite city as well) so I was just wondering what your top ten NYC stops are when you are in town?? Also I am planning on going to Austin, TX and will definitely check out your top ten for Austin.

P.S. Ray LaMontagne is coming out with a new album in August :)

Re: All you wanted to know and haven't had a chance to ask

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 2:56 pm
by ThyneAlone
I'm going to close up here for a short while. TJ is keen to answer everyone's questions but it is discouraging, as a busy person, to see the pile mounting up even as you are answering them. Hope you won't mind, the locking is only temporary!


A question about being a lawyer on Angel

Posted: Mon Oct 18, 2010 5:16 pm
by thewizard
I remember you had a lot of one liners in Angel, especially in the last season.

Did this have anything to do with your getting the role on Bones, or is that just a coincidence?