Bones 4.01 & 4.02 Yanks in the U.K.

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Bones 4.01 & 4.02 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by Sinkwriter72 »

Hmm. Well. I think I'm going to need to simmer on this one a bit more.

Okay, maybe I will say a few things.

** WARNING: This post contains spoilers for the episode. **

One. To this comment...
Sweets: (For the purpose of this analogy) I'm Hodgins.
Me: Yeah, you wish, buddy.

Two. I felt ambivalent at first because Booth started out over-the-top silly. But eventually he mellowed out, which was good. Much more balance to the character that way. In fact, by the end scene, I liked him very much. And was charmed by how he offered Brennan his arm and dubbed her 'Lady Temperance.' That was cute.

On a side note, I agree with some of the posters over on 206_Bones on LJ, when they said they disliked how uncouth and rude Booth was being about English traditions and customs in the beginning of the episode. Usually Brennan's the socially inept one who puts her foot in her mouth and accidentally insults people -- why have they switched and given that role to Booth? He used to be much more respectful than that.

Three. The British agent (inspector?) told Brennan she should not wait to climb Mount Everest? (In other words, sleep with Seeley.) Ooookay, that was subtle. Not. :lol:

Four. In the first hour, they quickly dispatched with the Birambau (spelling?) storyline, so I thought, great. The guy came, he made his case, Angela shot him down repeatedly, he very sweetly gave up the chase when he saw Hodgins and Angela lovingly kissing in the street (as bicycle bells rang out all around them, LOL), and he headed for the airport. I thought, well, good, that went smoothly. Then the second hour of the premiere started, and everything fell apart.

I'm sorry, but I thought the reason for Angela and Hodgins' breakup was completely forced. They were fine. The divorce was final. They were kissing. They were happy. Then Cam sleeps with Birambau and suddenly they're totally not fine? And no longer trust each other? And are not even willing to discuss it? And are both willing to break up, just like that? Come on. I did not find it believable.

Five. I really do apologize if it seems I'm forever picking on the Sweets character, but... I'm more than ever convinced that he has no place on this show anymore. No disrespect meant to the actor, whom I find charming and funny. However, his continued presence is unnecessary. The clips for next week's episode showed him wearing a special helmet/mask, peering over some remains, commenting on how the killer must have had some 'issues.' Um, duh, first of all. Second of all, since when do psychologists (FBI-hired or otherwise) sit in on physical evidence examinations? And thirdly, his purpose for being there this week (and every week) seems to be to present all the other characters with reasons for their behaviors and tell them what they should do to fix things. Why??

These are adult characters whose development depends on figuring out such things on their own, not by weekly pointers from a shrink. Yes, Gordon Gordon also pointed out such things, but they always sought him out, not the other way around. Once his work with Agent Booth was complete, he no longer insisted upon interfering in any of their lives. He wasn't there on a regular basis. And generally he merely asked them questions and let them figure things out for themselves, which makes much more sense.

How are they to grow and develop their relationships with each other if they can't learn to deal with things on their own? There's absolutely nothing wrong with seeking counsel. I just don't like that his presence is there on a weekly basis on this program, with no real purpose for being there except to point out the obvious. Plus, he's taking up a function that the main Squints characters used to perform themselves. Angela was Brennan's shoulder to lean on (and so was Booth, on occasion); Brennan gave Angela counsel; Booth and Jack had started an unusual buddy sort-of-friendship; and all of them used to answer things for Zack.

And speaking of Zack... no decent follow-through from last season's finale to this premiere episode. There was one smart ass comment about Zack on Booth's part, interrupting Brennan's speech at the school (I missed the first couple of seconds -- was that Oxford?), totally inappropriate forum for such a crack. Actually, totally inappropriate for him to say what he did at all. And it seemed a slightly pathetic attempt to connect the dots from the finale to this episode, so that they could then move on with the rest of the episode's events. As if the Zack stuff never really made an impact on these people. That is extremely disappointing to me.

The only time I noticed anything was actually something on TJ's part, which I appreciated -- when Clark was assisting and said something particularly brilliant about the case they were investigating, Hodgins gave him a begrudging look of appreciation, as if to say 'okay, man, you're good, you don't replace Zack, but you're really good and I like you.'

I understand that the writers probably wanted to go straight to the London location (lovely, by the way!) and get to the funny stuff between Booth and Brennan, but the lack of emotional follow-through in any way, on any of the characters' parts, no serious mention of him, no real impact shown in their daily lives at work... that was frustrating.

Moving on. I could kick Birambau in the shins for throwing Hodgins in the trash like he did. I guess in a way it was symbolic (to me) of what the writers have been doing with poor TJ's character since last season -- treating him like garbage, not giving him much to play with as a character -- and that is a real shame.

P.S. Nice punch, TJ! Birambau deserved it. :D

Okay, I've lost count, because I went off on some tangents, so let's just say I'm on point seven and a half. :mrgreen:

I did really like the way the investigative team from England in some ways mirrored the relationship Booth and Brennan shared. I was amused when the two anthropologist types gravitated toward each other while the two cop types did the same. It seemed right that they would, and I liked the respect Booth gave his counterpart. (And I was amused when she told him he should stop when he tried to act all James Bond: "Booth. Seeley Booth." Heeee.)

Oh, and that bobble-headed bobby and the toy 'knighting' were cute. *GRIN*

Annnnnd... I guess I had more to say at this time than I thought. Okay, I'm done talking now.

Your turn, everybody!


Edit update: I just changed the title of this thread to 4.01 and 4.02 because (according to their site) FOX considers the episode two in one, rather than one two-hour episode. I'll change the Outhouse episode to reflect its new title as episode 3, instead of episode 2. Tonight's new episode will be considered episode 4, I guess.
Last edited by Sinkwriter72 on Wed Sep 17, 2008 4:26 pm, edited 2 times in total. word count: 1226

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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by late_heart »

Glad you're feeling well enough to write, S.

Great post, as always.

I wouldn't be here if I wasn't a fan of TJ's, so it's a given that I love his work and I'm eager to watch him any chance I can.

Unfortunately, I have nothing positive to say about the show he's in. So for once, I'm going to act as my mama raised me and say nothing here on his official site.
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by Tara »

I had similar whiplast in 4.02. But I did like that in the end, it isn't about Greyson. It's not about outside influences coming in to break them up. It's evolving trust issues. They're introducing conflict, because the story needs it. And it is good that it comes from within, rather than externally. That's the difference between good and bad writing.

Angela and Hodgins went too far too fast--so it makes complete storytelling sense and emotional sense for me, that they have a step back period, to recognise what they truly want and need, before moving forward again. It will in the end make the relationship stronger.

I just wish they had taken the time and care to build up to it, instead of literally in an eyeblink going from "We have trust issues" to "People who don't trust each other shouldn't be together" because right now, the way I see it, the only person Angela didn't trust in was herself. And since the relationship has always moved according to the pace she sets for it, it will be up to Angela to make the first move towards a reconciliation. Which I know they will do, because these two people care too much for each other, and they have never had a casual relationship. So we know by the end of the season they'll have worked it out, and hopefully we'll get some fantastic scenes for TJ and Michaela to play along the way, and a strong Jack and Angela relationship at the end of it.

Still... I hope it's not just shifting the dynamics so as Booth and Brennan get closer together, Angela and Hodgins drift further apart. There doesn't necessarily need to be a direct corollary here, you know? Because that would be LAME with a capital LAME.

I'm going to miss Edison. I was really hoping, after they tried out a slew of new grad students, they'd come back to Clark. He's awesome. Also, I was desperately hoping for Gordon Gordon, but I'm guessing Fry was too busy with his documentary series. *sigh*. I loved non-evil Indira Varma (SUSIE!!!!!), and I hope she comes back for another ep someday. She had great chemistry with both leads.
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by Sinkwriter72 »

Oh dear, I hope no one thinks I'm being disrespectful here on TJ's site. :? That's definitely not my intent with the post. I did try to list things that I thought were good as well as not so good.
late_heart wrote:Glad you're feeling well enough to write, S.
Ugh, I seem to go in small sprints. Last night after I got off the computer, I couldn't get to sleep until after midnight. Then, I woke up only three hours later, and had to take more medicine because I couldn't breathe. But I couldn't get back to sleep for at least an hour. I finally fell asleep after 5 am, as I heard the garbage collectors out on the street below. Got a few more hours of sleep, which was good. I'm getting stuffed up again, so I may have to trudge back upstairs to retrieve my cold/sinus medicine. I can't wait for this to subside! I can't even remember the last time I ever had a summer cold or illness. It sucks.

Regardless... I hope everyone realizes that it's a given with me too, that TJ's work is always good. Last night was no exception. I thought he handled himself very well. I especially loved his confrontation with Birambau in the diner (and when he waited for the guy outside of the diner, heh). And the interlude in the street with Angela was lovely.

Now, if only the writers would give him something really weighty to play with, something that challenges him -- that would be wonderful.

Tara wrote:Angela and Hodgins went too far too fast--so it makes complete storytelling sense and emotional sense for me, that they have a step back period, to recognise what they truly want and need, before moving forward again. It will in the end make the relationship stronger.

Ah Tara, I can always count on you for some sensible perspective. This was an interesting thing, what you said about how it came from within the relationship (directly between Angela and Hodgins), rather than because of external forces (like Birambau potentally interfering, which would be bad writing). I agree also with what you say here, that they went too far too fast and need to step back and figure out what they truly want and need. I can especially see that on Angela's part. I think Hodgins is at a point in his life where he knows (pretty much) what he wants, but Angela's always been more of a 'free spirit' and I think she has some issues she has not faced yet so I could definitely see her needing some time to figure out what she really and truly wants and needs in her life, based on who she is as a person, not based on what Hodgins or anyone else expects her to be. That is an interesting conflict, to be sure.

I, like you, simply wish they hadn't done it in such a whiplash fashion last night. To jump from 'you don't trust me' to 'well, this relationship is over if there's no trust' all in one scene, within seconds, was too fast. It threw me completely. I was like, how did you both get there so quickly? No conversation, no discussion, no argument? Nothing. It baffled me.

I will say that I liked that Hodgins said, "You're the only one walking away here." In other words, he was willing to stay together and figure things out. But then, as Angela said, he didn't exactly chase after her when she got up to leave either. Perhaps he didn't because he knew she needed to figure out just what it is that she wants? (And he's hoping she'll eventually do as you said, come back when she's ready and certain, so their relationship can be stronger and all the better for the break.)

And maybe that's why she kissed Birambau in the beginning? Because she doesn't know what she wants anymore, and he was a familiar, loving memory? That sure didn't look like a 'good-bye' kiss to me.

Tara wrote:And since the relationship has always moved according to the pace she sets for it, it will be up to Angela to make the first move towards a reconciliation. Which I know they will do, because these two people care too much for each other, and they have never had a casual relationship. So we know by the end of the season they'll have worked it out, and hopefully we'll get some fantastic scenes for TJ and Michaela to play along the way, and a strong Jack and Angela relationship at the end of it.
I think that sounds marvelous, and if done right, absolutely something I'd be willing to watch. From your lips to Hart's ears... ;)
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by Sinkwriter72 »

Oh! I forgot about something I actually liked about Sweets!

(I know. You all must be shocked.)


It occurred at the start of the Hodgins/Birambau fight. As soon as Hodgins punched the guy, Sweets took off his suit coat, tossed it aside, and stepped forward, as if he was going to join in the fight, loyalty to Hodgins, all that sort of thing. I actually loved that. I was completely surprised. And it was, well, sweet of him. :D

But then he ... fell? Tripped over his own feet? Or did Angela trip him, in order to keep him from joining in the ridiculous macho behavior? I wasn't clear on exactly what happened. All I knew was he stepped forward and suddenly he was on the ground, face first.

Anyway, I just thought of that and wanted to mention it. Please, resume your daily activities. ;)
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by Tara »

Angela tripped him. It was stealthy. I approved.

I loved Sweets' Ninja Turtles story liek whoa. And the brain-touching. But I am still unclear on why he is at the Jeffersonian. I thought he was an FBI shrink? I'm having trouble udnerstanding how Earth-logic is applied to Sweets' presence.
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by Sinkwriter72 »

Tara wrote:Angela tripped him. It was stealthy. I approved.

That's what I thought happened, but it occurred so quickly I felt like I blinked at exactly the wrong time and missed it.

Tara wrote:I loved Sweets' Ninja Turtles story liek whoa. And the brain-touching. But I am still unclear on why he is at the Jeffersonian. I thought he was an FBI shrink? I'm having trouble udnerstanding how Earth-logic is applied to Sweets' presence.
This is part of my frustration with Sweets. I generally like him as a character, he's fine (and as you pointed out, occasionally funny, what with the Ninja Turtles analogy and the brain-touching and the odd chivalry with Hodgins in that moment), but... I don't think he belongs in the Jeffersonian, poking around as they're working and examining evidence. He is an FBI shrink. As far as I know, they don't make a habit of hanging out in crime labs. I think they're using him whenever they have a need for something wacky to happen or for Booth (or someone else) to get irritated with him or for him to point out everyone's issues whether they ask for his help or not. It drives me nuts that he stands around telling Booth and Brennan that they have passion for each other. We already see that, through their actions and through the experiences they've had over several seasons. It's been well-established, this growing partnership between them. We don't need someone to tell us as viewers, nor to tell them as characters. They need to come to that conclusion on their own. He's becoming unnecessary. If they're going to keep him around, I wish they'd reassess and use him in another way. Otherwise, it feels like they're simply using him to fill whatever they think they need for a particular episode, rather than truly exploring him as a character in his own right.
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by ThyneAlone »

Hi all, Home from school on the second day of term! I can't talk. No, literally, open mouth, no sound at all. I was husky yesterday when we started, but had no sore throat or anything - bit of a cough maybe. This is a horrendous shock cos I have so much to do and I don't want to lose the reins with my new form.

HOWEVER, last night I managed to see the show on one of those websites people upload to. I have to say I loved London despite the clichés (you know: red buses, Houses of Parliament, aristocracy etc.). It all photographed so beautifully. Inhabitants, well, less so. I don't know how it sounds to someone from the US, but those were the most unnatural English accents I have ever heard (much too clipped and RP, even the upper classes have a trace of accent). Rather stereotyped too, as one would expect. Bad teeth, bad coffee, tiny cars (you should see the monsters in which my pupils are driven to school) and head butts, not generally a habit of the aristocracy, more the street savvy hoodie? Not buying it. Would have preferred Booth to undermine them a bit more subtly, and as for getting out of the car and shouting to the heavens in frustration just because he can't drive on the left, so not funny. He's supposed to be reasonably well travelled for goodness' sake. Please don't make the FBI look like a clown academy! This was compounded by Hodgins ending up in the bin lorry. I think they should make up their minds whether they're doing slapstick comedy or drama or what.

The plot was confusing. I think I just about followed it but it wasn't well presented, especially as half the work had to be done on web conference. How on earth could our own beloved lab experts work out so much just from bone casts? The writers were trying to do too much at once.

Talking of which, on to Jack and Angela. Lots of questions. How did Grayson get into the lab - has he got a swipe card or something? And was that greeting snog really advisable or convincing? And would he really stand around while people made intimate complimentary comments about him as if he wasn't there? Why would he be supposedly waiting to find Angela, his professed lost and only love, for years, when he is in fact obviously quite happy to jump into bed with the first woman he's attracted to? Why did Cam feel guilty about it when he has signed the papers and is out of Angela's life? And why would Angela be bothered about it when she has apparently been unaware of the guy for years?

I do agree with Tara and Sherry that the relationship had stalled after too much happened too quickly. I'd even accept that the fairly possessive Hodgins (who must be quite used to getting whatever he wants - fabulously rich guy, why have we not been reminded of this at all in recent series?) pushed it a bit and that Angela is a bit flaky and, unlike him, isn't sure what she really wants. It was good that she told Barasa, for instance, that no-one was going to 'get' her - that prefigured the Hodgins dilemma quite well, and was much more the S1 Angela who was prepared to carry on a relationship for a fortnight once a year. Surely, though, there's a better way of showing they have 'trust issues'? Angela could quite simply have been paying innocent and flirty attention to someone else, preferably someone with whom she didn't have 'baggage'. And as for Sweets sticking his nose in and getting them all lined up like naughty kids outside the principal's office, that was ludicrous. Can this little boy please stop giving advice where none is required and stay out of the lab? Touching a brain, indeed! I'm surprised he recognises one.

All in all it wasn't a bad season opener, considering that they missed so much of the leadup (I presume there were leadups and smoother arcs before the strike?) in S3. It looked great, was very funny in parts, maintained the BB subtlety on the whole, though I do wish people would stop telling them how right they are for one another, and did at least pay attention to the emotional arcs of the rest of the cast. Some fab acting, with TJ up to his usual standard. However - some OOC reactions (I'm thinking of Cam and Booth rather than Jack and Angela), no proper mention of Zack, the suddenness of the breakup and Birimbau's lack of personality and credibility (well, what could Blakemore do with a one-ep undeveloped character?) - these worry me. I'm hopeful, but far from reassured just now.
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by late_heart »

Sinkwriter72 wrote:Oh dear, I hope no one thinks I'm being disrespectful here on TJ's site. :? That's definitely not my intent with the post. I did try to list things that I thought were good as well as not so good.
No! Of course not! I just was feeling so confused and irritated to the extreme over the episode -- and the two hours of my life I will never reclaim -- that I was actually beyond commentary. And I was in that bitter, snarky zone (that you know so well) that I love dwelling in when my expectations are not met.

I watched that Tabatha's Salon Takeover show yesterday, and I really identified with her. I'd love to have "Late Heart's Writers' Room Takeover," because I would march right in, take the keys from the showrunners, see what the writers can do and what they can't -- and then show them how it's done...

*does Lewis Black impression because I want to be Tabatha but I look more like him*

Well, apart from the fact that I've never written for a studio project. Yeah, I'd get my a** handed to me on a plate. But that's how these recent episodes make me feel.

Um. I love this discussion. though.

Even if I can't be coherent.

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...he remains Hodgins of the unstoppable libido, with the constantly coiling Kundalini, the freaky twist of mystic master meets geekzilla. He’s still a poet, a shaman of the weird, and he’s in there, somewhere...

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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by ThyneAlone »

late_heart sweetie, I can't think of a better person to be in charge. What I've read of you is amazingly subtle writing that just draws me in and makes me want more. Incoherent you aren't. I really do wish you were writing it.
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by begolden »

Well, like many of you, I'll need to find one of those websites where I can upload the episode.

Wednesday night I put my tape into the VCR, programmed it for FOX, and left for the evening. Went to watch it and... no Bones! In fact, the station icon in the bottom right of the screen said "CW" instead of FOX. Come to find out that about a month ago, our local affiliate lost FOX programming to another affiliate! So, I missed the season premier because it aired on a different channel.

DAMN! And my sister is going to be pissed, because she depends on me for the tapes--and she has dial up on her computer, so no uploading for her.

It's been a crappy week...
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by skftex »

Rebecca if you download it, just put the file onto a cd..then your sister can just pop it into her computer and watch it. No internet involved on her end. :)

I just came to this thread tonight because I didn't watch the episode until late last night. Busy busy already for only the end of the second week of school. Anyway, all your points are very interesting and mirror a lot of the things I was thinking.

The transition between the first murder in London and the second was very odd to me. And really, the Butler did it? Sheesh how stupid. I know it was suppose to be ironic but I was sure they were going to find out it wasn't true, but no they just moved right on to the professor being killed.

Steph, I can't say I noticed about the accents I honestly thought they all just sounded British. LOL I do notice differences in the way actors talk on some of the British shows I watch, but guess I just didn't pick up on it this time. And now Bones has its Midsomer Murders connection because the guy that played the aristocrat was on an episode of Midsomer Murders last year. :mrgreen: I'm always seeing British actors on things and connecting them to Midsomer Murders so it was funny when I saw him. Sorry...bit off the subject there.

Anyway, its late, I'm tired so I think I'll have to come back and add some real thoughts to the true discussion another day.

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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by begolden »


Thanks for the tip--I'll give it a try! I've never uploaded an episode before, so wish me luch!
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by ThyneAlone »

skftex wrote:Steph, I can't say I noticed about the accents I honestly thought they all just sounded British. LOL I do notice differences in the way actors talk on some of the British shows I watch, but guess I just didn't pick up on it this time.
This is actually quite interesting, if vaguely offtopic. I often wonder whether there is an awareness here of the sound of 'proper' US accents and dialogue (and vice versa), or whether we all just react to generics, ie one kind of Northern, one kind of Southern etc. Or even simply mid-Atlantic. It amazes me that some actors can pinpoint the differences so precisely when it involves a change in rhythm and style and consciousness of current idiom (Alexis Denisof did an excellent job in 'Buffy' and 'Angel', whereas James Marsters 'London' was distinctly dodgy at times and David Boreanaz's Irish was just risible. Of course Joss Whedon's years in England give him the advantage of writing convincingly). I mean, round me there are 5 or 6 very distinct variants of so-called 'Scouse' (native Liverpool accent), Lancashire, Mancunian etc. And within the wider 'British' context there are innumerable Welsh, Irish and Scottish patois.

However, I digress. Back to specifically English sounds. Indira Varma sounded just a little forced, I thought. It would have been good to hear that very slight Somerset twang that still lingers in her own voice and which I felt was present in her 'Torchwood' appearances. Andrew Buchan must have worked hard either sometime in the past or during this shoot to overcome a native Stockport - that's quite strong. I felt the rowers were a wee bit over the top with their posh diction. The aristocratic classes were better just because they have retained some of that drawl so beloved of 40's cinema. I've heard worse but to my ears it all sounded a trace overdone.

I wish I was more conscious of the nuances of American accents. It'd be fun to guess more accurately where people come from!
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by late_heart »

ThyneAlone wrote:late_heart sweetie, I can't think of a better person to be in charge. What I've read of you is amazingly subtle writing that just draws me in and makes me want more. Incoherent you aren't. I really do wish you were writing it.
Oh! *squish* Thank you. *squishes more*

As for American accents, being from New England I can hear a lot of different regional patois -- there are real subtleties that go far beyond the steroetypical "Bahstin" accent that 99% of actors think goes for all 6 NE states. There are class differences that impact accents, which nobody here will ever admit to because we don't talk about class (!), so there are really variable accents depending on your neighborhood.

This is sort of on/off topic, but my mother's house is being used for a film. Most of the people in charge are from the U.K., and this was their first visit to a Boston neighborhood, and the assumptions they made were just... odd. And one of the leads came by one day and was asking about it being a 'typical middle-class Boston neighborhood' -- which it really isn't -- it's a working class neighborhood that's gone through fairly recent gentrification. But the character he's playing is a native of the working class 'hood, supposedly. Goddess only knows how badly he'll butcher that accent! But my long winded point is, sometimes these accents are so specific that short-cutting rules the day. My guess is he'll wind up sounding like Cliff Claven. *cringe*

DB's accent he uses for Booth is weird -- he tries to give Booth a 'south Philly' twang once in awhile but it's never consistent. Plus, he's supposedly from a working class area of Pittsburgh, which has a totally different tone than South Philly. And Dave is from a wealthy suburb of Philadelphia, which is why his normal voice only hints at a Mid-Atlantic background.

Clearly, I am an accent whore.

My very windy way of just saying... YES!
word count: 349
...he remains Hodgins of the unstoppable libido, with the constantly coiling Kundalini, the freaky twist of mystic master meets geekzilla. He’s still a poet, a shaman of the weird, and he’s in there, somewhere...

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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by skftex »

Steph, as I said I do notice differences in British accents usually, but I would NEVER be able to tell you where they came from as far as whether they were from North-South-East-West. I do notice the way things are pronounced by certain actors then by finding out where they are from, it gives me a little insight POSSIBLY into the way it sounds for certain geographic regions in England. I can't guarantee it because I rarely see most of these actors on anything but the TV show they are in, so it could be just the way they choose to talk on the show. Since I do have friends from Yorkshire, as well as one that lives in the south of England, and one that lives very near to London and always has, I have heard first hand the difference in their accents.

On shows I have watched though, any time they seem to want an American accent and it is done by a British person, they nearly always get it wrong. I imagine it works the same way with Americans trying to do a British accent (what do you think of Renee Zellweger's accent in Bridget Jones?). But I will say, that Hugh Laurie as House DOES get it right as far as general pronunciation as an American. He doesn't sound like someone from New Jersey where I think the show is suppose to take place, but since I've never heard them say where the House character is from, I'm willing to accept his accent as is. It is so good in fact that when I hear him talking as Hugh Laurie, it always takes me by surprise a bit, even though I've always known he is British!

I really need to get back on topic I know..and I will I promise when I get another chance to get on here. :oops:
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by TJ4ever »

Yeah, WHAT HAPPENED??? I, TOO, want to know that! They were happy, they loved each other so much, Angela got the divorce - and suddenly they didn't trust each other anymore??? Why did Angela kissed her (ex) husband anyway? I don't understand it!!! Who writes this stuff??? :x

The Bones/Booth-story was interesting because it was in London! :wink: But it didn't interested me very much. But very cute to see Booth in this tiny little car! :) The best scene was when he stopped in the middle of the cross-way (is this the right word for it?) got off the car and started ranting! Hilarious! :lol: The last scene - Junior Knight scene - was cute, too!

But the Jack and Angela storyline really upset me! I don't understand it!

Last edited by TJ4ever on Sat Sep 13, 2008 8:32 am, edited 1 time in total. word count: 131
Angela: Well, what about love? What do you have to say about love?
Hodgins: It´s overrated-most of the time :-)

Dexter: They make it look so easy-connecting with another human being. It's like no one told them it's the hardest thing in the world.

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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by begolden »

I finally watched this episode.

They've finally turned Booth into a complete caricature.

And after watching it from start to finish, all I have to say about the Jack and Angela storyline is... What the hell?

I'm so, so incredibly disappointed in the show...
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by Sinkwriter72 »

*hugs Rebecca*

I thought the Jack and Angela scenes were great, especially the kiss in the street, with all the bicycle bells ringing... until they suddenly broke up and I was like, 'What the hell just happened?'

And the fact that they're airing the episodes out of order so there was no follow-through with the break-up this week just made it worse to me. I don't understand. I want to understand, but I just don't understand why they're approaching things this way. What is going on??

Are you still on LiveJournal? I think you should join this community over on LJ. I bet you'd have plenty to say in contribution to the discussions we're having re: the continuity issues and lack of emotional follow-through (or you might just appreciate reading what everyone else is saying, if you don't have the time or energy to post right now).

We just want so much more for these wonderful characters, and the talented actors who portray them.
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Re: Bones 4.01 Yanks in the U.K.

Post by begolden »

Thanks for the LJ link, Sherry. I added it and hopefully will join you there from time to time to rant! Glad to know that others are as disgusted as we are with the direction the show is taking. The only redeeming factor?--beautiful T.J.
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Fan of the Orgasmic Grilled Cheese Sandwich
