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Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Wed May 13, 2009 11:24 pm
by Jude40
Hi All

Well I was up early and my curiousity got the better of me, I didn't watch the whole thing, skimmed through quite a lot and I wish I hadn't even watched the bit that I did. I have never said this about a Bones episode before but I hated this, I mean what on earth were they thinking! (only my opinion of course and some people might love it).

I must admit I fast fowarded to the end and they couldn't even think of an original cliffhanger, even slightly original would have been good.

I must admit I like the relationship between B&B but if they wanted to satisfy people who wanted them together eventually, the writers should have just had an episode following the operation where Booth was unconscious and Brennan explored her feelings for him, as well as the other characters exploring the relationships in their lives, I think this would have been cool and would have further develped the characters. B&B and Jack and Angela could then have explored the idea of being together (next season of course when Booth was awake!). I fail to understand why the show creators feel that characters being in a relationship spoil the show its not like we're going to be watching them making mad passionate love all the time! Its the fact that creators of shows feel they have to have some angle in situations like this that spoils the show not the relationships themselves.

Anyway relationships aside I hated this episode, I mean its the last one of the season and we didn't even get to see any of the real characters. Did Hart Hanson just wake up one day and think lets find a way of putting every main character in one show plus some guest stars to make us look 'cool' or what. Even if he did surely he could have come up with something better than this.

Ok you may have guessed I didn't like this one. I know I haven't watched the entire thing yet but I know it wouldn't change my opinion and I might not even bother.

I love season finales and the creators had been saying how brilliant it was, hence my curiousity getting the better of me. I was really disappointed (although I have to admit I did have some reservations prior to watching), never mind roll on next season.

Catch you later

Jude x

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 12:23 pm
by ThyneAlone
Yes, it was so weird and so random, wasn't it? Well performed of course, as ever, especially by the people playing so obviously against their former characters - loved Clark's hip-hop man and Vincent's slightly sleazy, slightly cheesy DJ with the estuary English. And I liked Lance's band - Mr Daley is actually quite good, isn't he? Grayson B didn't come over as a gangster, though, and as for having Zack back and doing absolutely nothing with him, well that was a missed opportunity for sure. TJ was not given enough to do, but proved to be a superb narrator and rather a good scruffy-mac, unkempt and slightly drunk crime writer.

Basically what I'm saying is that it was well done (although there was so much exposition to be done that the conversations felt a bit unnatural to start with), but it wasn't Bones, and, though I'd expected a cop-out, I didn't anticipate that big a one. I felt no jolt at the sex scene because it wasn't the people I had come to know and like. The AU feel dampened the excitement instead of ratcheting it up. All I'm hoping now is that someone doesn't step out of the shower at the start of the next season (for the benefit of our youthful contingent, the writers of the famous soap Dallas decided in their wisdom one season to completely cancel out the whole of the previous season by making it a character's dream, hence the supposedly dead person steps out of the shower perfectly ok). My other half's acerbic comment was that the finale and climax to a season should not be the 'fun' last lesson of term - it should be true to its own spirit.

I guess there were a few overlaps with the way things have been running this season; for a start no-one cared about the victim, and Jared was kind of distanced from his brother. And of course the Bones character was pregnant (I was a bit thrown that Booth kept calling her Bren all the time. Not that people don't use surnames as nicknames, but I'd have thought they'd have been using first names at least occasionally). Also the plot was gossamer-light but managed to be confusing even so, which is something I have been used to this year.

I didn't hate it exactly, it was entertaining and all (I liked Motley Crue!), and it showed off the cast's considerable range and strengths; but it didn't have the warmth and heart of a good Bones episode, and now the 'cliffhanger' is going to put everything back to square one again. Couldn't they at least have had proper sex before he said that? And, as you say, Jude, it stops us from seeing how the other characters reacted in the crisis situation of a good friend in a coma. How much more could we have learned about the characters from seeing them interacting at this stressful time?

Where's Sweets when you need him? I think I need therapy to take me back to the land of the living. Cause we're sure as heck not in Kansas any more, Toto.

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 4:43 pm
by begolden
Haven't seen it yet, but from Jude and Steph's comments, I'm not sure I want to! Mostly disappointed to her that TJ gets limited screen time...

Will check back in after viewing...

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Thu May 14, 2009 7:42 pm
by skftex
Well...I don't have much to say...personally I think this was THE WORST EPISODE OF BONES EVER. How does that not qualify as a dream? With any luck Booth won't ever remember who Brennan is if that is the sort of episodes we are going to get from now on. ;)

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 12:41 am
by Jude40
Hi everyone

I'm back about this one 'cos I tried to watch the whole thing last night just to give it a fair hearing, so to speak. I really, really tried but I was losing the will to live so had to use fast forward a few times again.

I didn't actually like anyone in this, Ryan Cartwright was probably about the best but even he started to annoy me. Dayplayer were ok but not brilliant and it kinda felt like a contrived way for a member of the cast to get his band some TV coverage, I believe that TJ likes cooking so maybe they should have made him the chef and he could have given us all a cookery demonstration! As for Mottley Crew if I wanted to watch them playing I could go to You Tube and type in 'Mottley Crew'.

Beaver in the Otter had recorded as part of my series link recording on Sky so I watched that straight after and it was heaven to watch proper Bones. I probably would have given this a 7/10 for this season before the finale now I reckon its a 12 in comparison!

I don't know if I've got this right but I believe Hart Hanson was involved with writing the finale and considering he was involved with writing Yanks in the UK as well I think someone should confiscate his laptop. Seriously though I can't believe that after four seasons no one knew the fanbase well enough to say maybe this wasn't a good idea, I'm not saying nobody liked it but from the reviews and ratings I've seen it certainly wasn't popular.

Anyway that's enough ranting about this one.

Catch you later

Jude x

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 12:49 am
by Jude40
Ok I know I said that was the last comment but I thought that in the interests of fairness it would be interesting to get a view from TJ on the thoughts behind this episode and maybe a reaction to the response.

I don't know if this is possible 'cos I know he's a busy man but just a thought.

Jude x

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 5:55 am
by skftex
Guess there are some that did like it, there are comments on TJ's facebook about how wonderful it was. Guess I just didn't get it. By the way, was that Booth's dream or was it Brennan writing the story? I thought it was Brennan writing a story until Booth wakes up and says something about a weird dream. Not that I think it makes it better either way.

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 9:00 am
by Sinkwriter72
First, let me say how much I enjoyed TJ's narration. He seemed to approach it with a thoughtfulness that was touching. Really lovely work.

As for the episode itself? I thought it was... bizarre. I need to watch it again before I comment more thoroughly, but in an overall sense I thought it was a very weird episode and while I did find myself laughing (in a good way) at certain elements, I still had trouble connecting with the characters because it was an alternate universe sort of situation and they weren't themselves at all, which is fine for a single, wacky episode, I suppose, but for a season finale? When we could be getting some decent character development on all the actual characters? I just don't know about that decision.

I've read some posts over on LiveJournal and some people say they thought last week's episode was a more fitting season ender (with the dramatic cliffhanger for Booth -- brain surgery -- as well as emotional development for Brennan, and a potential step towards renewal of relationship for Jack and Angela). I'm inclined to agree.

More as I rewatch!

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 2:38 pm
by Jude40
Hi all

Ok I have to admit that I just realised something clever about this episode (although I have no idea what it means), oh and I wouldn't have realised without a bit of help from Hart Hanson's Twitter page.

The bed scene at the start with B&B is actually two different scenes as in its not the same bed, or at least the clock and stuff on the bedside table is not the same during the sex scene as it is when they wake up. If everyone else has already noticed this apologies for stating the obvious. Like I said I'm not sure exactly what this means, is one couple Booth and Bren and one Bones and Booth, not sure. I don't think its gonna change my perception of the episode but I must admit I am curious now.

Catch you later

Jude x

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 3:20 pm
by ThyneAlone
You've pinpointed something that was annoying me vaguely without me really knowing why. But no, I do not think it will change my feelings either. The clocks are being argued about all over the place, but you know, it could just have been a continuity error. On the other hand, if we take Buffy as an example, dream/coma clocks and times have always had some significance, counting down to future seasons and episodes. Maybe the numbers mean something? I don't think I really care actually!

When I was talking about links with the rest of the season I omitted to mention the little hints given about the 'real' world out there, I guess as a kind of sly postmodern nod to the cognoscenti (oh well, that's it then, none of us will ever be able to interpret it, we don't know Italian); like Vincent saying that Zack was the kind of character to get himself put away for a murder he didn't commit. Zack himself saying someone had taken his shoes? -interns have been trying to step into them all season. And Sweets saying it was his band that was called Gormogon, many had thought he himself was Gormogon, but they were wrong?? There was even a dubious reference, from Vincent, to the British preference for headbutts over guns, which was a reference to the first eps of this season (do people in the US really have this image of us all nutting others all the time when roused to aggression? It's complete nonsense). Although you notice I did say British this time, much as I dislike the bracketing together of English/Irish/Scottish/Welsh, because here in England the urban myth is that the Scots are inclined that way - you hear phrases such as 'Glaswegian kiss'.

At least those comments and references were more like ones you'd hear in a dream or hallucination, in that they had some bizarre connection with real life. Most of it didn't even feel dreamlike, just like a totally different programme with a completely different set of people. 'Life On Mars' did the coma thing better; Buffy also trumps it in the dream stakes, with 'Restless' in season 4.

Ah well. At least they didn't go to an alternative universe where they all discovered they were nothing but imaginary characters in a TV show...

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 4:15 pm
by skftex
Hart Hanson says it wasn't a book and it wasn't a dream...not sure what that leaves...couldn't be reality unless they are trying to tell us that Bones isn't really a forensic anthropologist.

And Jude, I didn't notice that so thanks for pointing it out.

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 4:22 pm
by Jude40
Hi all

Ok I have a theory not sure what others will think of it. Hart Hanson did say that the sex scene wasn't a dream or a halucination so what if it wasn't, what if it was 'The End in the Beginning' as in that's how Bones and Booth end up. Obviously the rest had to be a story or a dream still not sure about that, but if the first bit was real it would explain the change in clock etc.

Also a bit concerned that we might never find out going by the activity on Hart Hanson's twitter page regarding renewal talks, fingers crossed that we get a fifth season

Jude x

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Fri May 15, 2009 5:12 pm
by skftex
Jude, that actually sounds like a good theory! Could be, and that would explain things a little more to me. Still didn't like this episode but some things you all are saying are at least are making me think there was more to it than I thought.

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 5:47 am
by ThyneAlone
It does make sense, well done Jude. The thing is: even if the sex is real, and Hart's promising it will be expanded one day, the scenario still wrecks its impact by placing it in an improbable setting and may actually make people less willing to view the putative S5 instead of more so. I mean much of my hanging on is to do with TJ, I am not ashamed to admit - I know I'm not exactly typical, but I'm fairly unbothered about the BB developments one way or another, be it sex, babies, amnesia, whatever. cba. I want a well-thought-out and consistent character-driven procedural, and I just don't think this is working.

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:31 am
by Jude40
I'm with you on the lack of consistency Steph and I still didn't really like this episode. I actually finally managed to watch it all the way through and I've gone from hating it to just not really liking it. If I'm right about the sex scene (and I'm not sure about it) then I think its quite clever but maybe a bit too obscure and I agree probably wouldn't convince people to keep watching.

I originally started watching this show at the start of S4 out of curiousity and I must admit thought Mr B was hot from the start (I always call him that and then they referred to Booth that way in the finale Mr B playing Mr B). However, having got the first three seasons as a pressie I then started to get into all the characters especially Brennan and Hodgins and I have to admit I liked Goodman in the first season. If I had to pick the actors who I think are consistently the best I'd go for TJ and Emily.

Anyway like I said I agree with you Steph about the lack of consistency lately but I do still love the show and I do think Emily and David have chemistry on screen so I'd like the relationship to develop but not at the expense of everthing else. I'd also like to see Jack happy 'cos bless him he's so adorable.

Anyway that's what I'm hoping for the future if it gets renewed. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Hart and team in the negotiations.

Jude x

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 8:41 am
by ThyneAlone
It's a funny thing *she mused, off topic* I had had my dose of DB in Buffy and latterly, before in my view it started getting a little silly, in Angel; and oddly enough I didn't thrill to him physically (it is odd, c'mon - me against the world here!). I kind of appreciated him aesthetically, but didn't go for him particularly. My 'type' is most definitely a bit more quirky, with a slighter frame and a tendency toward the intellectual as opposed to the action.

So I noted that he was on this new show when it came to the UK but had no special urge to watch it ("not another procedural"), just happened to be curled up in front of the telly one night when they aired a S2 ep. At the time Sky were showing stuff from S1 and S2 every evening about 10. Then it was, oh, it's that programme with DB on it, I'll have a look..which is a long way from watching it because of him (though I do think he has been more satisfying to watch since he developed his acting skills beyond smouldering mysteriously in a corner)! It was a long time before I twigged who I actually liked, because, if you remember, the S1 titles showed the names in a random order with TJ's name planted all over Emily - but as I got into him, my own man became fascinated with Michaela, and there we have it, happy viewing.

I have yet to view this again. I don't hate it either, so I expect I will give it a few more watches, but the non-canonical feel frustrates me. I'm not invested in BB like you are, but I do want to see Jack happy for a change, even if it makes him a bit less edgy.

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 9:08 am
by skftex
I'm another one that doesn't watch because of David Boreanaz. In fact, the reason I started watching was I was bored, school was over for the holidays, and I was flipping channels and came to it right when it came on so I thought "Oh, I'll see what this is like." This was season 3 though, and I immediately liked TJ best. I don't dislike DB at all, in fact sometimes I do think he is appealing, nor do I care really if Bones and Booth get together, I'm pretty much invested in Hodgins. But if they do the B/B right, I'll be fine with it. I do like the characters and there is some good stuff when they are together. I just hope it isn't so disjointed as this finale. :(

The problem (one of them) that I think is with this episode, they kept telling everyone it wasn't going to be a dream, and as Jude pointed out, maybe that was what they MEANT, but very very few people are getting that at all. I read three or four things today about this episode and every one of them say "It was about the disconnect of the things going on in Booths head about the people around him." So while it was suppose to be clever, I think it missed the mark. That and all the things mentioned already about coming in to a world with completely different characters than the ones we wanted to see dealing with something like Booth having a brain tumor.

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 12:21 pm
by begolden
Watched it yesterday, and I consider it an hour of my life I'll never get back (except for the few TJ scenes, with the emphasis on few).

What this had to do with "Bones," the Booth plot, or with anything else related, I have no idea. Since I'm not a B/B shipper, I found no redeeming value to this episode at all. As for TJ's comments, I have no doubt that it was fun for the cast to film, since they each had a chance to step outside of their usual persona. But as a fan, I'm horribly disappointed.

Time once again to break out the season one DVDs.

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 3:19 am
by ThyneAlone
Hey Mama, are we going to hear from you on this one? I know you have a far more positive perspective on it than we do, and I think we need that for balance. Remember that we treasure intelligent debate here, it would be good to mull over what you think. Particularly as you seemed to go into it with a very open mind, despite being well-spoiled. I wonder myself whether some of the LJ frequenters are correct - that it would have been better to go in without preconceptions.

Maybe we of the ensemble-lovers prefer to see concrete interaction between the whole team rather than a dreamlike expression of the developing feelings between the main pairing?

And maybe you have something different and valuable to offer.

Re: Bones 4.26 The End in the Beginning

Posted: Sun May 17, 2009 3:27 am
by ThyneAlone
A little further thought on Jude's suggestion that the lovemaking scene was indeed real, just in the future...

Don't you think it would have to be a huge, huge, long way in the future, season 10 or something (!) for Brennan to actually say to anyone "Do you love me?"

We all know what she thinks about love, even if she does wish she could succumb to such a ridiculous idea because it seems to make others happy...